Weather in Torrevieja

The coldest months are January and February, with temperatures ranging between 12 and 16 degrees and the hottest July and August with temperatures ranging between 28 and 35º C.

The autumn - from October to December - is a very warm season with temperatures ranging between 21 and 27ºC.

The temperatures are measured in degrees centigrade, although the information is very well spread in the media and in public establishments with very visible lights.

The rains are scarce and intermittent.

Torrevieja has a microclimate that differentiates it from the rest of its surrounding populations. The proximity of two salt lagoons makes the climatological factors favorable, in torrential rains, as well as in the strength of the winds and temperatures.

Sunny weather predominates most of the year.

The solar months:
June 29 days
July 29 days
August 29 days

The warmest months:
August 31.7°C
July 30,9°C
September 29,4°C

The warm sea:
August To 26.6°C
July Is 25.5°C
September 25.4°C

The coldest months:
February To 16.1°C
January To 16.6°C
December 17,4°C

The most rainy months:
December 2 days
November 2 day
January 1 day

The most windy months:
February 5,1 m/s
March 4.6 m/s
April 4,5 m/s

A beach holiday in Torrevieja

The average sea temperature in Torrevieja  in December, January and February 14-17°C. Only the brave can swim. However, on warm Sunny days on the beach you can see the sunbathers.

The average sea temperature in Torrevieja in March, April 14-16°C. Only for the Braves to swim, but you can see more sunbathing peoples . In may, the average sea water temperature of 18.7°C, already the first bathers.

The average sea temperature in Torrevieja in June, July, August, September 22-27°C. a Beach vacation is in full swing.

The average sea temperature in Torrevieja in October is 23°C. a Beach holiday is going to decline in November, with an average water temperature of 19.5, swim only the brave.

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